Hi friends. This is yet another interesting attack you can perform on your friend's email account to steal his/her email passwords. So, lets see how the phishing attack works. Actually phishing attack is an attack in which you creates a fake login page and sends it to your friend and asks him to log in to his account using that fake login page. Your friend will be unnoticed that it is a fake login page and he enters his email id and password in that fake login page. As it is a fake login page, his email id and password will be redirected to your account and thus you will get his email id along with his password
The fake login page will look same as the original login page. Following is the example how a fake login page for the gmail account look like.
So now lets see how to hack your friend's email password using phishing tecnique
Just follow the below steps very carefully for the tecnique to work :
Step 1- Firstly u must signup for a free web hosting service like:
www.ripway.com etc..... and register a domain or subdomain.
I prefer ""110mb.com"". so it will provide a free account for u. register in it for free.
Step 2- Now Login to your 110mb.com account and go to "File Manager" .
Step 3- Now what you have to do is, gjust create a seperate directory with the name of the site, for eg. gmail , if you want to phish a gmail account!
Step 4- Now extract the file you downloaded from the above link to your desktop. you'll find 2 files.
1. avi.php
open your "gmail" directory in 110mb.com. Now click on "upload files" button and upload these two files.
Step 5- upload "avi.php" & "index2.htm" to the "gmail" directory you created inside "110mb.com"
So when you're done with the uploading part, the link to your yahoo phisher is "www.yourdomainname.110mb.com/gmail/index2.htm".
Step 6- Congrats!! That is your gmail phisher!! Now all you have to do is copy the link to the phisher file i.e. "www.yourdomainname.110mb.com/gmail/index2.htm"
and send it to the victim you want to hack! When he/she'll open that link, it'll be directed to your gmail phisher and when he/she logins that page
he/she'll be redirected to the original "gmail" website and you'll get the password in the "passes.txt" file which will be created in tha gmail directory.
All the best.
I know phishing is not that easy tecnique for all. It requires a basic knowledge on html coding
If you have any questions, just ask them through comments :)
File Deleted!
plz provide a new Link...
update the link!!
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