• A simple way to operate your friend's computer remotely

    Team viewer is a fabulous software through which you can connect to your friend's computer and operate his computer.Your friend's computer screen will be displayed on your computer and you can do whatever you want. Yes, it is true. But this is not actually a hack. To perform this operation, you should require your friend's permission to operate his computer. So, let's see how this software tool works for connecting you to your friend's computer.

  • Phishing attack (Hack your friend's email passwords)

    Hi friends. Are you having a low memory graphic card. Are you facing the problem of your games running slowly due to low graphics card. There's no need of increasing your graphics card. You can increase your gaming experience with out changing to high memory graphics card. So, now there is a solution for making your games run smoothly with out increasing your graphics card. That software is known as Game booster version 2.0.

  • Hack in to other IP addresses in your local LAN

    Hi friends today ur gonna learn how to hack into other IP addresses in your local LAN network. This technique i am going to say will work only for the internet users who are using local broad band internet connections like CCN, DVS, etc because these broadband internet connections doesn't use good authentication techniques.

  • Browse any web site without connecting to internet

    Wondering how.... It is actually possible with software known as Offline browser.The actual thing the software does is, you should enter the URL of website you want to browse offline in the text field of this software, and the software downloads the whole web site on to your hard disk. Then you can browse that website whenever you wish without connecting to the internet. Isn't it cool........!!!!!!!

  • Steal your friend's passwords from his computer

    Hi friends do you want to know all the passwords which are typed on your friends computer. Not only passwords, do u want to know all the activities that are being done on your friend's computer. Then there is a way to steal your friends passwords remotely through a fabulous software known as refog keylogger.

  • How to change a trail version software into full version software

    Many of us download the trail version softwares like 30 day trail,20 day trail etc. The common tecnique used by most of us to run the trail version software many days even after the expiration date of the trail is, we change the system date regularly to avoid the expiration of the software.This makes the software to run even after the trail version.

Skip screen addon for Mozilla firefox

SkipScreen addon is a really useful firefox  addon for lot of users who download  various types of files from the popular file sharing sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, zShare, Mediafire, and more.
Most of these file sharing web sites have a annoying waiting time limit before a free user can start downloading the requested file. So, SkipScreen can be really useful in saving your time wasted seeing the download waiting time as it removes the screen of download waiting time from these media sharing sites.

So, till now we learnt about changing our MAC address. Now coming to the actual scenario, what is the actual need to change our MAC address. One of the interesting thing we can do by changing our MAC address is, we can actually increase our internet connection speed. Thinking how......!!

SO, for example let us consider that we are connected to the internet through a low speed internet connection with a 128kbps plan for which dowload speed is low. And if we want to change our internet connection speed to 512kbps plan or even higher, it can be done easily by MAC address spoofing.

Simply follow the below steps.

Till now we learnt to know the MAC address of a remote computer through pinging the remote computer and checking all the received packets for the actual remote computers data packet and its corresponding MAC address using a data sniffer software. But it is a very long process and quite confusing for the begginers to execute.
So, now here is the very straight forward way to find out the remote computer's MAC address. Just simply download the fabulous tool known as Zenmap (download it here). 
Follow the below steps:
1. Install the software which looks like following.
click on image to enlarge
2. Now if you carefully observe the above screenshot, the tool contains target textfield. Now you should enter the IP address of the remote system for which you want to find out the MAC address. 
3. Now in the right side top corner click scan button.
4. After a few seconds the information about the remote system will be displayed in the text area below.
5. Now there will be MAC address of the remote system in the printed information.
                  Thats it.....!!!!!

for example 
see the following screen shot for how the MAC address will be visible in the information where I am entering the (which is one my my local IP addresses with in my broadband network range) as the input to the target text field.
Now it finds out all the open ports for the given remote computer. And it also displays the respective MAC address which we all need. :-)
click image to enlarge
click image to enlarge

NetBus- A fabulous trojan

NetBus is the famous trojan which can be used to gain the remote access for the victim's computer. There are various in-built optoins present in the Netbus trojan to perform various hacks on the victims computer.
When you install the NetBus trojan on your computer two files are installed on your computer. Look the following screenshot.
 Click on the image to enlarge it
From the above screenshot you observe 2 files

EXE binders

For remote access of the target computer, an attacker should first install a trojan on the victim's computer. An attacker cannot send the trojan to the victim's computer directly because the victim can recognize that the received file is a trojan. So instead of directly sending the trojan to the victim's computer, the attacker binds the trojan to any of the executable files like calculator.exe or any flash games etc and sends to the victims computer. When the victim receives the executable file he thinks that that is a normal executable file and executes it.


Trojans are the Remote Administration Tools that allow the remote control and access to the attacker.
Once the trojan is installed on the target computer, then the attacker can remotely access all the software and hardware of the target computer. Simply saying, a complete access will be handed over to the attacker and he can access the remote system as he like. But the trojans can be easily detected by all antivirus softwares.

Some of the Trojans are :

1. NetBus (click here)

2. Backorrifice

3. GirlFriend

4. subSeven

Host file

The host file is the file which are present in the windows by default.
Host file is present in the following path in windows.
In host file we can give the Domain names with their respective IP addresses.As a result we can observe the increase in the speed of accessing the websites which are entered in the host file.
We can play with Host file in the following manner.

Zenmap is a fabulous tool actually an extension to Nmap
Zenmap is an excellent graphical user interface tool which can be used fort port scanning the remote computer.
using zenmap tool you can find the following information regaurding the remote computer.

Download zenmap (click here to download zenmap).

What can you find using Zenmap???????

Port scanning

Port scanning is an important technique for every hacker.
Actually it is an art of scanning the target computer to determine the list of open ports and listening for connections.
This can be actually done by connecting the ports on the target system one by one.

What are ports actually??????????

                        Ports are considered as the doors through which the data is sent and recieved to and from the network.
Hardware ports are the sockets behind CPU to which various devices are connected.

First of all you should install a data sniffer software to know the remote computer's MAC address.
Install any data sniffer you like on your computer.
I prefer Colasoft Data sniffer software ( download here)

1. Open the data sniffer software and run it.
2. Now your friend's MAC address whose IP address is

Every ethernet card has a unique MAC address assigned to it.
You can see your ethernet card's MAC address from command prompt.

Simply open cmd prompt and type following

ipconfig /all
Following will be displayed on the screen.

In My system i am connected to internet using Realteck Family PCI ethernet card
so my MAC address is visible in themarked area of below screen shot

Simply visit the web site

Ping sweeping

Ping tool is commonly used for detecting whether a remote host is alive or not.
It makes use of ICMP protocal for detecting whether the remote host is alive or not.

Ping can also be missused to perform the following attacks.

1. Denial of service attack (DOS).
2. OS(Operating system) detection purposes.

Various tools for performing ping sweeping are

1. Cping

2. Fping

3. SuperScan

4. Ping Sweep
5. Nmap
6. WS_ping pro pack

Most of the file hosting websites enforce a download limit for the free users.
The phenomena is that the download limit restriction is provided on basis of the total no. of files we download or the total size of the files we download.

So, if you want to overcome these restrictions and download as many files you want Do either of the following simple tecniques.

1. Simply delete the cookies of your web browser.


2. Use a different web browser when download limit is reached in one web browser.

Proxy bouncing

Proxy bouncing can be treated as an extension for proxy servers.
In proxy bouncing we connect to the internet using multiple Proxy servers. Therefore much more security is provided for our computer.

Tools: MultiProxy (Download here)

Proxy servers

Proxy servers acts as a buffer between your computer and the internet.
So your identity is hidden and is not visible to the internet. Instead the proxy server's IP address is visible to the internet when you use proxy servers.
Famous proxy servers are

1. Wingate (Download here)
2. Winproxy (Download here)


Fport is a tool which allows you to map all the open ports, their respective processes, applications and path names for any remote computer

It is a fabulous software and you can just download it here (Download Fport)

Changing your MAC address

Mac address is actually unique 12 digit hexa decimal number assigned to the every ethernet card during manufacturing. It is very simple to change your computer's MAC address by doing slight modifications in your windows registry editor or either by using ready made softwares.
One of those softwares is Etherchange ( download it ). But Eterchange will not run on the windows vista and Windows 7 onwards. Etherchange software can be used in windows XP, NT and 2000. But in Windows vista and Windows 7 you can change the MAC address manually through registry editor. It involves the following steps.

so the process of changing your MAC address through the windows registry editor is as follows.
1. Go to windows registry by typing regedit in your run command.
2. Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972- E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

click on image to enlarge

3. Now double-click {4D36E972- E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
click on image to enlarge

4.  List will be opened which looks like 001,002,003...................,0016.
5. Now you chould manually check all the keys ie 001,002,003...................,0016 for where your ethernet card is present. You should check the the right side pane for your ehernet card(ethernet card is actually the your ethernet card manufacturer name).
click on image to enlarge

6. You will found your ethernet card in one of the keys (001,002,003...................,0016), now in the right side pane right click your mouse and select new string value. Then enter the name for that string value as NetworkAddress. Observe that in the NetworkAddress N and A are capitals.
7. After giving the name to the string value double click the NetworkAddress.
8. Now in the value data field enter the new MAC address for your computer.

click on image to enlarge

9.Now either disable your network adopter and enable it  OR simply restart your computer.
10. Now the work is done. Your MAC address is changed.
              Thats it guys. Now just play around with all the IP addresses in your Local LAN.....!!!! : )


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                            click here


encryption-protectng your files 
meet in the middle attack
The attack
Shell accounts
Shell accounts-2
USB hacking
Undeleting the deleted data
Undeleting the deleted data-2
Permanantly removing data:eraser
task kill attack
shoulder surfing
dumpster diving
Road sign hacking
water marking
Wireless hacking
setting up a wireless network
wireless security
poisoned hotspots
important terminology
War driving
war driving: How does it work
war driving tools
war driving & GPS mapping
finding WIFI hotspots on the internet
re-Assosiation requests
De-Authentication attacks
countermeasures against war driving
wireless data sniffers
how are wireless connections established
MAC filtering attacks
DOS attacks against wireless networks
WEP security loopholes
Cracking WEP security loop holes
cracking WEP, WPA, WPA2:tools
ARP request relay attack
cracking WEP keys
caffe Latte attack
improvements in WPA over WEP
cracking WPA & WPA2
recoverign WEP & WPA keys from local machine
computer forensics
penetration testing & vulnarability assesment
penetration testing & vulnarability assesment-2
AFCEH relearn program
AFCEH retake praogram
AFCEH exam kit


Identity thefts
input validation attacks
SQL injection
Cross site scripting attacks
Missuse of hidden HTML tags
Cannonicalization attacks
HTTP response splitting
Web hacking
buffer overflows
Passive Sniffing Attacks
What is a switch?
What is a hub?
Router vs hub vs switch
active sniffing attacks
ARP poisoning attack
MAC flooding attack
MAC duplication attack
playing with ARP tables
social networking websites security
windows 7 & windows vista password cracking
password cracking
windows 7 & windows vista bypassing the login prompt
windows 7 & windows vista online password cracking
A good captcha system
mail hide from recaptcha
cracking captcha
cracking megaupload captcha
future trends
my favourite twitter scripts
my favourite facebook scripts
my favourite youtube scripts
Tab napping
DNS poisoning attacks introduction
DNS poisoning sniffing attack
DNS cache poisoning Birthday paradox
DNS poisoning birthday attack
modern day DNS attacks:search engines
modern day DNS attacks:Fat fingers attack
modern day DNS attacks:Domain hijacking
modification on user computers
Hacking demo
Accessing blocked sites using public DNS systems


ICMP scanning
OS finger printing
Passive fingerprinting with p0f
web server fingerprinting
avoid OS detection:change default values
packet generation software
Packet generator:Nping
E-Mail forging
DOS attacks
Reflective DDos attacks
password cracking attacks
password cracking attacks-2
Cracking saved passwords in browsers
google chrome
internet explorer
counter measures
password managers
ClipperZ, KeePass.info, Vulnarabilities
EXE binders
EXE binders-2
FireWall tunneling using SSH & Putty
Steps to follow
Unvlocking p2p File Sharing tools using SSH & putty
Unblocking P2P File Sharing tools using tecniques

HTTP tunneling
How it works
Tools of trade
Port forwarding
How it works
Configuring the router
Source port forward using fpipe
port forwarding vs port triggering


Who is hacker
what will you learn in course?
The anatomy of an IP address
The anatomy of an IP address demo
Network address translation
Internal vs External IP address
Hacking demo:The anatomy of an IP address
MAC addresses
MAC address spoofing
how to find the remote computer mac address
changing the MAC address
Proxy servers
Proxy servers part 2
Tor:anonimty online
Hacking file hosting web sites
bypassing the Ads & Multiple links_Part1
Bypassing the Ads & Multiple links_Part 2
Bypassing the Download wait countdown
bypassing the download limit
Shortened URL vulnarabilities
Previewing the shortened URL
Hacking demo
ping sweeping
reverse DNS lookups
Host files
Host files part-2
Port scanning
Deamon banner grabbing